Phone numbers
Sales and reservations
We're here to help 24/7.
Phone (Mandarin/English, except weekends and public holidays): +86 400 1018080
Our English-speaking contact centre in New Zealand can be contacted on +64 9 357 3000 (international charges will apply).
Visit our Airpoints™ support page for more information.
Phone (except weekends and public holidays): +86 400 1018080
Postal address:
Air New Zealand Contact Centre
Private Bag 93537
Auckland 0740
New Zealand
Customer relations
If you would like to submit feedback, please use our online feedback form or complete our customer experience survey.
Postal address:
Air New Zealand Customer Relations
Private Bag 92007
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Baggage help
Visit our baggage support page to find out how to report your delayed or damaged checked-in bags and lost personal property.
Visit our international cargo contact details page for more information.
International contact numbers
Get in touch with us no matter where you are in the world.
The following are local contact numbers. You will need to dial from within the country/region listed.